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Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage incorporates a variety of modalities that enhance the body’s natural restorative functioning. Light to firm touch is used to release muscle tension, increase blood and lymph circulation, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

Therapeutic massage can be used as a collaborative, supportive addition to conventional medical treatment of illness and injury, alleviating pain, stress, anxiety, and depression, while aiding in soft tissue healing, and helping to maintain flexibility and range of motion.

Laura’s massages are aimed to relax the being and facilitate the body’s own healing power through a combination of massage modalities both Eastern and Western. Sessions are tailored to individual needs, whether that be to reduce stress, relieve pain, address tension in a specific area or simply maintain health. Her massage style and repertoire draw from the modalities of Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, Myofascial Release, and Lymphatic Drainage while also being influenced by the principles, application, and philosophies of Thai and Esalen massage.

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Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy

Lymphatic Enhancement Technology/Therapy (L.E.T.) refers to a specific, non-invasive, instrument-based method of lymphatic drainage therapy.

L.E.T. practitioners use a Lymphstar device, which is fitted with medical grade glass bulbs that emit low-energy, vibrational frequencies. This gentle but profound therapy encourages the natural flow of excess interstitial fluid and accumulated cellular waste through the body’s own lymphatic and elimination channels.

Lymphatic drainage complements treatment of lymphedema, autoimmune disorders, healing from the effects of cancer treatments, surgeries, injuries, and much more. When combined with proper nutrition, sleep, and exercise, L.E.T. can significantly improve lymphatic flow and immune function while providing the recipient with an overall feeling of wellbeing.

Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy incorporates glass wands procedurally moved across the skin, accompanied by manual techniques which are tailored to each client's needs. LET is not a regular massage aimed at relieving muscle tension; the setup, however, is similar to a massage session.

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Cupping is an ancient healing therapy that is still used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to help with a variety of health conditions. The use of cupping has evolved over centuries and is now widely used in the bodywork community for relieving musculoskeletal pain.

From a TCM perspective, pain is a result of stagnant Qi in the body and cupping is used to bring old blood to the surface so that new blood and energy can flow into the tissue.

From a Western bodywork perspective, the suction that cupping creates is utilized to loosen fascia, break up scar tissue, and stretch muscle tissue, thereby relieving tension and tightness and increasing range of motion around joints.

Cupping can be thought of as a reverse deep tissue massage. Instead of pushing the muscles down using force, cups lift and loosen the tissues. Blood flow to the muscles and skin is improved as the cups draw the tissue upward, providing targeted tension relief.